Welcome reader to this tutorial! I'll show you how to build a roguelike with MarteEngine. For more information about MarteEngine, please see http://github.com/Gornova/MarteEngine.
This tutorial is inspired from same serie from Trystan and follow the same organization, so let's start! In this tutorial we'll se how to handle different levels.
More Levels
In our rougelike I'm changing a bit way Trystan's follow: instead adding regions and a full "world" generation, I'll be satisfied with a simple new level generation each time player reach a go down stairs. Again, this ia choice we can always change later and it will require a small bit of code! First we need to add stairs to tiles, adding types:
public static final String STAIRS_UP = "stairs_up"; public static final String STAIRS_DOWN = "stairs_down";
and placing it into LevelBuilder:
public LevelBuilder addStairsUp(){ start = findFreePlace(); tiles[(int)start.x][(int)start.y] = Tile.STAIRS_UP; return this; } public LevelBuilder addStairsDown(){ int x; int y; do { x = (int) (Math.random() * width); y = (int) (Math.random() * height); } while (!isFree(x, y) && Math.abs(x - start.x) > 10 && Math.abs(y-start.y) > 10); end = new Vector2f(x,y); tiles[(int)end.x][(int)end.y] = Tile.STAIRS_DOWN; return this; }Code here is simple: for up stairs, find first free place. Instead for down stairs find a free tile at least 10 tiles distant. As you can notice, I'm also moved findFreePlace and isFree methods from Level class to LevelBuilder, because I need them in level generation, not only on level handling. You need to change Level convert method, to take care of new tiles types:
public Entity convert(String tile, int x, int y) { if (tile.equalsIgnoreCase(Tile.WALL)) { return new Tile(x, y, tile, true, 0, 2); } if (tile.equalsIgnoreCase(Tile.FLOOR)) { return new Tile(x, y, tile, false, 0, 5); } if (tile.equalsIgnoreCase(Tile.STAIRS_UP)) { return new Tile(x, y, tile, true, 7, 0); } if (tile.equalsIgnoreCase(Tile.STAIRS_DOWN)) { return new Tile(x, y, tile, true, 8, 0); }
We need also to change Creature.move method:
public void move(int dx, int dy) { float cx = x + dx * step; float cy = y + dy * step; if (collide(new String[]{Tile.WALL,FUNGUS, Tile.STAIRS_UP, Tile.STAIRS_DOWN}, cx, cy) == null) { x = cx; y = cy; } }
So when a creature move, we check also stairs! Almost finished, we responde collision on PlayerAi collide method:
public void collide(Entity other) { if (other instanceof Tile) { Tile tile = (Tile) other; if (tile.isDiggable()) { tile.changeType(Tile.FLOOR); } if (tile.isType(Tile.STAIRS_UP)){ ((GameWorld)creature.world).goUp(); } if (tile.isType(Tile.STAIRS_DOWN)){ ((GameWorld)creature.world).goDown(); } } }
And of course change GameWorld class:
package merlTut; import it.marteEngine.Camera; import it.marteEngine.World; import it.marteEngine.entity.Entity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer; import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; import org.newdawn.slick.Input; import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; import org.newdawn.slick.geom.Vector2f; import org.newdawn.slick.state.StateBasedGame; public class GameWorld extends World { private Hero hero; private int tileWidth = 40; private int tileHeight = 30; public Level level; private static final int tileSize = 8; private static final int scaleFactor = 4; private CreatureFactory creatureFactory; public Listmessages; private int clearMessagesTimer; public LevelBuilder levelBuilder; public int depth = 0; private boolean newLevel; public GameWorld(int id, GameContainer container) { super(id, container); creatureFactory = new CreatureFactory(this); messages = new ArrayList (); } @Override public void render(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, Graphics g) throws SlickException { super.render(container, game, g); g.drawString("Game", 5, 5); // hero stats displayHp(container, g); // display messages displayMessages(container, g); // depth indicator drawCentered(container, g, "Level " + depth, 5); } @Override public void update(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, int delta) throws SlickException { super.update(container, game, delta); Input input = container.getInput(); if (input.isKeyPressed(Input.KEY_ESCAPE)) { // goto menu world game.enterState(0); } if (hero.moved) { clearMessagesTimer++; updateAi(); } if (newLevel) { newLevel = false; newLevel(); } } private void updateAi() { for (Entity ent : getEntities()) { if (ent instanceof Creature) { Creature creature = (Creature) ent; creature.updateAi(); } } } @Override public void enter(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException { newLevel(); } private void newLevel() { // we destroy everything clear(); // add random generated cave levelBuilder = new LevelBuilder(tileWidth, tileHeight).makeCaves() .addStairs(); level = levelBuilder.build(); addAll(level.getEntities(), GAME); // add some fungus at free random locations for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { addAtEmptyRandomLocation(creatureFactory.newFungus()); } // add hero at first free place hero = creatureFactory.newHero(); addAtEmptyLocation(hero); // setting camera: this.setCamera(new Camera(this, hero, container.getWidth(), container .getHeight(), 512, 512, new Vector2f(32, 32))); setWidth(tileWidth * tileSize * scaleFactor); setHeight(tileHeight * tileSize * scaleFactor); messages.clear(); clearMessagesTimer = 0; } public void addAtEmptyRandomLocation(Creature creature) { int x; int y; do { x = (int) (Math.random() * tileWidth); y = (int) (Math.random() * tileHeight); } while (!levelBuilder.isFree(x, y)); creature.x = x * tileSize * scaleFactor; creature.y = y * tileSize * scaleFactor; add(creature); } public void addAtEmptyLocation(Creature creature) { Vector2f pos; do { pos = levelBuilder.findFreePlace(); } while (!levelBuilder.isFree((int) pos.x, (int) pos.y)); creature.x = pos.x * tileSize * scaleFactor; creature.y = pos.y * tileSize * scaleFactor; add(creature); } private void displayMessages(GameContainer container, Graphics g) { int bottom = container.getHeight() - 20; for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { drawCentered(container, g, messages.get(i), bottom - i * 20); } if (messages.isEmpty()) { clearMessagesTimer = 0; } if (messages.size() > 5 || (clearMessagesTimer > 7 && !messages.isEmpty())) { clearMessagesTimer = 0; messages.remove(0); } } private void drawCentered(GameContainer container, Graphics g, String text, int y) { g.drawString(text, container.getWidth() / 2 - text.length() * 4, y); } private void displayHp(GameContainer container, Graphics g) { int total = hero.maxHp(); int current = hero.hp(); g.setColor(Color.red); if (total - current > 0) { g.fillRect(container.getWidth() - 40, 10 + total - current, 20, 10 + current); } else { g.fillRect(container.getWidth() - 40, 10, 20, 10 + current); } g.setColor(Color.gray); g.setLineWidth(10); g.drawRect(container.getWidth() - 40, 10, 20, 10 + total); g.setColor(Color.white); g.setLineWidth(1); } public void goDown() { depth++; newLevel = true; } public void goUp() { if (depth - 1 >= 0) { depth--; newLevel = true; } } }
As you can read, we change a little the code, using depth variable to remember at what depth hero is and introducing a new method newLevel
will be an exit.. or just another dungeon? |
In this tutorial we have seen how to generate a new level when player use stairs up and down, changing a little our code, but without many changes!
You can download source code from here.
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