Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Delenda Roma


In the past months I've been part of 2020 solitaire print&play contest on BoardGameGeek  (more info here) and I've created Delenda Roma for this contest.



End of the roman empire: barbarians at the gates, rebels inside the empire, fighting in the senate.
Will you be able to avoid fate, or will Rome be destroyed? (Delenda Roma)


As player you are the emperor and have to fight back barbarian invasions, rebels inside the border and keep an eye close to the senate too.

You can download Delenda Roma and play it here:




This is not a video game, but instead a board game, where you can download the files, print it and play it! I've been recently interested in print&play games and found them interesting, fascinating and of course, I've wanted to create one from myself!

I've written in this work in progress (WIP) thread on bgg following entries to explain my thoughts and reasoning behind this game:

This was a nice journey, with a fantastic community of people that had given me a lot of feedback.

If you are curious about the game, you can find two full length videos about this game here:

These reviews highlights two of main pain points of the current (v1.1) version of the game:

  • enemy units movements: for some players this is confusing
  • game difficulty: game results really hard after two rebellions

 I'm curious about more feedback on these points, so if you want to play the game and give me some feedback, you are welcome!

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