Saturday, November 6, 2010

Airheat, out!

Save trees in desert, throw barrells full of water on dead tree and bring them back to life!

Airheat is my new game made with Flashpunk for Heat Contest on Gamejolt forum: made in 4 days, is really "casual", one play and go. But I've decided to build it to think about game mechanics and prove how simple is to build a videogame.
I've also used Ogmo editor to build levels: nice to use!

It's not perfect but I really enjoyed to build it, in particular design gameplay: decide what barrells have to do, storm and so on :D

Play on GameJolt

Play on Kongregate - and challenge your friend with Highscore!

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I found a bug. When I finish a game and I want to start a new game, I am redirected to page "game over". I believe you should make clearer that barrels at the top left corner are not part of the landscape.
    Another idea for the next Heat Context: a forest is burning and you have to stop the fire cutting some trees. The forest is represented as a matrix where each cell is a tree or another landscape element (rivers, rocks, houses). If a tree is burning, then with probability p the fire arrives at its neighbors. Some extra: wind, planes or firefighters with water... Bye Marco
