I was bored at work, thinking to my hobbies and .. "perché no un contest con slick sulla birra?" (original Italian thought). Really thanks to everyone have say "yes, why not?" and have join into this crazy idea. For everyone that haven't finished their games for this contest.. give me a link!! I want to play it as soon is possible!
First Slick-Contest is over!
I'm really happy to see some incredible works from you: thanks again to Kev to made Slick and to YOU stealing time your lives to do this games: i think that contest can help this community to grow and everyone wants to organize a new contest.. you are free to do it, but i want to partecipate :D
The fact:
- 4 games maded in one-month with java+slick,
- 3 complete game sources so everyone can learn from you: programmers.. give me some info or add a LICENSE file into your source-code zip!
- jnpl and win32 .bat version of games, so everyone can play your games
Highscore (Points - Game name - Author):
16 - Left4Alien (and save the beer) - Heldenhaft
14 - Beer Pacman - Vince
10 - Teddy bear - Zero Juan
9 - Beer Bottle Rocket Man - Kyle Newton
The winners is..
Heldenhaft with Left4Alien (and save the beer)!
Above explanations.. and keep to working on this game, open a topic into games section!
Some notes:
- build.xml-ant script can help you to run/deploy/compile/zip/jnpl your code,
- always add a README and LICENSE file in your game zip.. and show all information about who made the game on screen,
- players don't always wants new stunning graphics, but new stunning gameplay experience, keep this in mind,
- keep programming and share your ideas, code, libraries.. help everyone in this forum can make growing everyone!
- for everyone interested into source code of this games.. read it! There are core concepts (render/update/assets/menu/etc..) and advanceds (components/etc..)
Some bad notes:
- we really need some sort of generic ant-script to build a sourcecode/win32/linux/mac/jnpl version of every slick-game: deploy of games and letting them playable for everyone is THE force of Java! Who wants to help me in doing this?
Beer Bottle Rocket Man - Kyle Newton
Presentation: 3
Graphics are simply, but make it's job: it's easy to understand game objects, entities, walls. Chars are fun and easy to recognize: evil doctor is my favourite. Animation is static (rocket flight can be more visual stunning) and robot-player is simply.. static, this is a minus -1.
Music is on only into menu screens, but make the right feels! Sfx is only on jump and this is a minus -1
There isn't instructions: not into a readme file, not in menu menu, not in-game: there is only a little help into game with controls: just the minimum to keep understable this game.
Overall presentation are not the best one: no instructions, no tutorial made people to ignore this game; simply graphics can be a stronger part of your game if you add more animations, characters, beer-type or so on.
You can really improve this part!
Fun: 3
Game is medium fun: for player it's easy to master mechanics (see gameplay), but it's also easy to be bored soon. This game isn't simply finished!
To add more fun you must add new mechanics: just collect bottles of beers and then rocket up it's clear after some seconds (+3), but short-level and non-interacting enemies let be this game too easy (-2).
Gameplay:: 2
Movement are good: phisycs are balanced good, movements of the robot is simply to master, hidden-room mechanics (+2) .. all it's right. But after some plays it's clear that this game it's only an experiment (-3).
You really need to add some new levels, new enemies, new beer-type, new mechanics: in five minutes player can master robot-rocket movements (and this is a good point!), but there isn't really nothign after to do. Gameplay help fun, IMHO, but you must add new gameplay options to player?
Story:: 1
There is a story: i'm a robot, trapped down, i must go up, collecting beers.. so rocket!! I really like idea (+1) but without some tutorial, intro, or end-story with evil doctor (or some boss fight).. the story end too quickly!
Some random Thoughts
win32 executable: no :(
jnpl: yes :)
source: yes :) but without a ant-build.xml :(
readme: no :(
license: no :(
in-game instruction: no :(
try now!
Beer Pacman - Vince
Presentation: 4
Graphics are clear, simply.. and pacman! All for player are familiar: sounds, pac-man sprite, ghosts.. but something is changed. Driking beer it's a problem on the long run and it's clear after some moves. The idea of the small-circle around pacman is simple but implemented well. Instruction are in-game and this is really ok! We have a only high-score (i wasn't able to upload from home, without a internet connection today :( ) too!
I didn't gave you 5 because you haven't done nothing really new in presentation part (-1).
There is no music.. but we really don't want it :D
Fun: 5
This game is simply the fun. I like pacman (it's clear), but it's really fun and challenging! People can really play this game again and again, like the original, but with higher difficulty.. beer! Even if pacman drink a lot it's fun! Well don!
Gameplay:: 4
Gameplay help fun: slow black-circle around us, ghost everywhere, pacman alone and.. what?!?! Drunk-pacman? This is madness! No, this is beer pacman!
I don't give to you max because you have stopped to explore beer-pacman mechanics (i think becaus short time?): you can really improve mechanics in many, many ways!
Story:: 1
Pacman have no story: but i need to give a score for this part.. and one is my score. Story isn't important for this type of game, but was a category of this contest.
Some random Thoughts
win32 executable: no :( only a bat
jnpl: yes (doesn't working for me) :(
source: no :(
readme: no :(
license: no :(
in-game instruction: yes :)
Try now!
Left4Alien (and save the beer) - Heldenhaft
Presentation: 5
Looks like Alien Breed? It really doesn't matter. Graphics are clear and simple: player can understand who need to be plasmed or not. Sound and music are excellent, instructions are both into a readme file and in-game: it's easy to understand what player must do.. defend the beer!
I give you the max in this category because all presentation elements are mixed to give player a good and fun experience ("bob you must guard the beer", "mmmmhhh" and "beeeer" are golds!)
Fun: 3
Game is really fun, but too easy: after some plays it's clear what player must do. Run, shoot, super-shoot, avoid alien contact. The problem that is all here (-2).
You can really improve fun adding more bonuses, more aliens, more weapons and more.. speed and difficulty to your game
Gameplay:: 5
Five is the max score: gameplay is simply perfect, clear and help fun: see hordes of alines and master them with a plasma-gum is a must!
Story:: 3
Story are good! I really like it: "bob you must guard the beer", it's an unsual way to make a ingame-soldier die! But players are always hard to kill!
I don't give you max becaus you can really add new elements into this story :D
Some random Thoughts
win32 executable: no :( only a bat
jnpl: yes :)
source: yes :) a really biiig source zip file
readme: yes :)
license: no :(
in-game instruction: yes :)
Try now!
Teddy bear - Zero Juan
Presentation: 3
Presentation are good: all game elements are clear (+2); there are few animations for teddy and hunters, but they make a good work. There is no music (-1) and there is only a sound: "Shoot!" (-1). Instruction are simply and clear (+1) and even in first play it's really clear what to do.
More sounds (for example when teddy take a beer or go back to house with a beer). A funny music can really improve game experience with also new animations for teddy and hunters, IMHO.
Fun: 2
Sorry, but this game isn't fun. Drunk hunters don't shoot to often, move randomly and without a logic: it's too hard to avoid their movements, so i simply run, take beer to house and do it again. After playing it twice i realize that i can do this in everygame.. forever, without losing (-3).
Adding new levels, new enemies and correct hide mecanics can really help fun of this game!
Gameplay:: 4
Gameplay is clear: mechanics are clear, and i give four becaus i think that with hide mechanics and drunk-killer mechanics working can really help fun.
You can add new mechanics other than "run or hide" (-1), but it's perfect for this game (without bugs that destroy fun :( )
Story:: 1
Story simply doesn't exists.. you can do really better!
Some random Thoughts
win32 executable: no :( only a bat
jnpl: ?
source: yes :) but without a ant-build.xml :(
readme: yes :)
license: no :(
in-game instruction: yes :)
Try now!
Greate games!